The Benefits of Timely AC Repairs for Lakeland, FL Homes as Spring Approaches

When was the last time you requested AC services in Lakeland, Florida? Over 40% of homeowners say they call professionals to perform routine HVAC maintenance. Air conditioning units that receive attention from technicians can last up to 40% longer.

What are the benefits of timely AC repairs for Lakeland, FL homes as spring approaches? Read on to find out! After discovering the benefits, you can determine if it’s time to schedule a check-up!

Improved Energy Efficiency

Summer is a great time to take a break from work, go on vacation, or spend time with family at home. You may struggle to enjoy summer break if your AC unit is lagging. You’ll waste money on your inefficient air conditioner instead of on summer fun.

Without routine maintenance, your AC maintenance’s essential components will experience wear and tear. The unit may work twice as hard to function. This will increase the likelihood of the unit breaking down.

As it pushes itself, the unit will use more energy. Your energy bills may start to rise.

Spring AC maintenance can help you avoid costly energy expenses in the summer. An experienced technician can perform a professional AC tune-up. They can:

  • Change clogged air filters
  • Check the thermostat
  • Clean the coils

These tasks will reduce how much energy your AC will need to function. It will have an easier time cooling your home.

Routine maintenance can help you avoid replacing the entire unit later. Instead, you can resolve small, inexpensive problems. Maintenance will save you money on labor, repairs, and parts.

Upgrading for Efficiency

The average lifespan of an AC unit is about 15 to 20 years. An old unit will struggle to work efficiently. Talk to your Lakeland HVAC technician about upgrading. 

The most efficient AC units use as much as 50% less energy than units made in the mid-1970s. Even replacing a 10-year-old unit will save you up to 40% on cooling energy costs. Your technician can recommend a newer, more efficient model. 

Newer models can ensure better indoor air quality. When the unit runs efficiently, it will remove toxins from the air before they circulate through your home.

An ENERGY STAR-rated unit will reduce your energy consumption. You may even receive a tax credit. Maintain your warranty by requesting routine HVAC maintenance.

These units are smarter and more precise. You can monitor your energy usage trends and eliminate hot spots. A new unit can save you money by operating more efficiently. 

Better Air Conditioning Unit Performance

Does your AC unit break down, produce hot air, or require servicing every few months? Annual HVAC maintenance can improve the unit’s reliability. You’ll need fewer repairs in the long run.

During a routine maintenance check, a technician can:

  • Clean the coils
  • Replace dirty air filters
  • Check refrigerant levels
  • Lubricate moving parts

These tasks will ensure the unit runs smoothly. You can reduce the chances of the unit breaking down in the middle of summer.

Routine maintenance allows a professional to fully assess your unit. They can recognize minor problems before you require more expensive repairs. Taking these measures will ensure the unit’s reliability and minimize surprises.

Longer Unit Lifespan

Routine maintenance can extend the lifespan of your AC unit. Otherwise, components will break down faster than expected. You may need to schedule repairs more often.

Maintenance will ensure the unit is running as expected. You can make smaller repairs to decrease the likelihood of premature failure.

Work with an experienced HVAC contractor. They can offer recommendations to improve your unit’s functionality. Leveraging their expertise will keep your unit running for years to come.

Otherwise, you may need to replace your HVAC unit more often than necessary. The unit should last for 15 to 20 years. Neglecting maintenance can shorten this lifespan.

Your unit may break down faster due to:

  • Dirty filters
  • Frequent cycling
  • Blocked vents
  • Dirty air ducts
  • Plants or debris on the exterior unit

You can remedy these problems by scheduling routine AC cleaning and maintenance. 

Better Indoor Air Quality

If you neglect your AC unit, the air filter can get clogged. The unit will use twice as much energy to push air through the filter. Its energy efficiency will decline.

Pollen, dust, and other pollutants will stay within the system. They can accumulate and cause Florida cooling systems to malfunction.

As your family breathes in the polluted air, you may experience respiratory problems. Before that happens, schedule AC cleaning and maintenance. 

An experienced AC technician can improve your home’s air quality. They may recommend that you purchase an air purifier or use a better air filter. Air filters with a higher MERV rating are more effective at collecting smaller particles. 

Talk to your technician about improving your home’s humidity levels. Otherwise, excess humidity can cause mold to form. Mold spores may pollute the air and compromise your family’s health.

If the air in your home feels sticky or thick, the unit isn’t maintaining proper humidity levels. Consult a technician before mold or mildew grows as temperatures rise. 

Avoid Busy Season

As we roll into summer, more Lakeland residents will rely on their AC units to keep cool. Pushing your unit may cause it to break down. Unfortunately, you may struggle to receive immediate help during the busy summer season. 

Instead, schedule preventative maintenance during the spring. You can ensure your unit is functioning properly before summer break.

You won’t have to worry about the unit breaking down when guests are about to arrive. Instead, you’ll have peace of mind and the chance to enjoy your summer. 

The Benefits of Timely AC Repairs for Lakeland, FL Homes as Spring Approaches

Don’t wait until your AC unit breaks down. Instead, experience the benefits of timely AC repairs for Lakeland, FL homes as spring approaches. Request AC services in Lakeland, Florida to maintain your unit.

Look no further for HVAC maintenance services! At Mission Air Services, we offer 24/7 emergency services to bring a breath of fresh air to your life (literally). We’ll keep your indoor environment comfortable year-round.

Rely on our expertise to create the perfect atmosphere for your home. Contact us today to request air conditioning repair services.